
Výstavy a semináře

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Minulé události/semináře

BluePrint-PCB Webinar


3. 4. 2024 online webinář

Create High Quality Documentation While Saving You Time and Money This webinar will feature BluePrint-PCB Version 7 which introduces several improvements to better handle document ECOs – reference designation handling, document compare module, and a new Cadence Allegro interface, plus subscription pricing options. Now is the time to truly experience BluePrint-PCB. It’s a...

CAM350/DFMStream Webinar


2. 4. 2024 online webinář

Analyze Verify Optimize to Reduce Costs This webinar will feature CAM350/DFMStream Release15 which introduces a new Stencil Design Tool Kit, enhancements to Netlist and Design Compare as well as subscription pricing to all the product lines. Haven’t seen CAM350/DFMStream in a while? Now is the perfect time to re-evaluate this software solution. 3D visualization and documentation of...

AMPER 2024

19. - 21. 3. 2024 Brno, BVV, F 1.18

Navštivte AMPER - mezinárodní veletrh elektrotechniky, energetiky, automatizace, komunikace, osvětlení a zabezpečení. Zveme Vás k návštěvě našeho stánku F 1.18 (hala F, stánek 1.18), kde se můžete seznámit s programy z naší nabídky. A také s časopisem DPS Elektronika od A do Z, který vydáváme.

BluePrint-PCB Webinar


14. 2. 2024 online webinář

Create High Quality Documentation While Saving You Time and Money This webinar will feature BluePrint-PCB Version 7 which introduces several improvements to better handle document ECOs – reference designation handling, document compare module, and a new Cadence Allegro interface, plus subscription pricing options. Now is the time to truly experience BluePrint-PCB. It’s a...