
Intro to 3D Field Solvers - What you need to know in plain English

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CADware s.r.o. » Aktuálně » Výstavy a semináře » Intro to 3D Field Solvers - What you need to know in plain English

30. 5. 2019 18:00 - 18:30 SELČ online webinář

In this webinar you will learn about 3D field solvers for improving high-speed board design and analysis. We will show you why you need 3D field solvers for high-speed board analysis; which 3D solver is appropriate for your application. We will also highlight the HyperLynx SI/PI analysis flows which include 3D field solvers.

What You Will Learn:

  • Why you need 3D field solvers.
  • Which 3D tool you need for your analysis.
  • What are the design flows integrated with 3D field solvers in HyperLynx SI/PI

Na tento online seminář se můžete registrovat také ze stránek společnosti Mentor.

Více o programu HyperLynx