
Analyzing Via to Via Coupling Through PDN Cavities Using HyperLynx PDN Editor

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CADware s.r.o. » Aktuálně » Výstavy a semináře » Analyzing Via to Via Coupling Through PDN Cavities Using HyperLynx PDN Editor

29. 11. 2018 18:00 - 18:30 SELČ online webinář

ViaCavityAt today’s signaling edge rates, crosstalk between vias passing through power/ground plane cavities can no longer be ignored.

This webinar explains the main root cause behind the via to via coupling phenomena. HyperLynx PDN Editor in Linesim is used to analyze how coupling occurs and how significant the crosstalk noise might be.

The Decoupling Wizard will be used for frequency domain analysis of the impedance profile of the PDN. Also, time domain simulations using the SI/PI Co-Simulation feature is performed to help the user understand the impact of this crosstalk noise.

Finally, the current mitigating techniques are evaluated to see how efficient they might be in reducing this crosstalk noise.

What You Will Learn:

  • Root cause behind via to via coupling
  • Geometry creation of cavity with IC probes and vias.
  • Frequency domain analysis of a cavity impedance profile using the Decoupling Wizard
  • Time domain simulation of via to via coupling
  • Techniques to mitigate coupling effects

Na tento online seminář se můžete registrovat na stránkách Mentoru.

Více o programu HyperLynx