
Powerful, customizable & fast design rule checking with HyperLynx DRC

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CADware s.r.o. » Aktuálně » Výstavy a semináře » Powerful, customizable & fast design rule checking with HyperLynx DRC

11. 10. 2018 17:30 SELČ online webinář

HyperLynxDRCCrosstalkHyperLynx DRC offers you unlimited power to check your designs for SI, EMI, and PI issues. This webinar goes in depth on how to utilize HyperLynx DRC to effectively screen your board for issues.  Issues on large or small designs can often go unnoticed – even with the use of a simulation tool.  HyperLynx DRC checks for common design flaws that can cause EMI, SI, or PI issues.

Presenter is Kyle Lake who is an Applications Engineer for Oasis Sales. Before joining Oasis, Kyle was a Corporate Marketing Engineer at Mentor Graphics where he was responsible for helping customers identify solutions to their PCB design issues.

Na online seminář se můžete registrovat na webu společnosti Mentor.

Více o programu HyperLynx