
Stay Ahead of the Curve with Full-Range DDR Design Capabilities

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CADware s.r.o. » Aktuálně » Stay Ahead of the Curve with Full-Range DDR Design Capabilities

18. 9. 2019 15:00 - 16:00 SELČ online webinář

HTMLreport_HL_DDRDDR is everywhere. From wearable devices to automobiles, DDR memory is quickly becoming the standard for SoC applications. Efficient DDR design can help you meet the demand for swift product development and reduced operating costs. Stay a step ahead with the wide range of features in PADS Professional that are designed to enable you to create, simulate and verify DDR interfaces.
Learn how PADS Professional can empower you to take on DDR design challenges.

What You Will Learn:

  • How PADS Professional enables you to efficiently implement challenging DDR interfaces
  • How you can save time and resources with a wide range of DDR design features
  • How to identify, constrain, route, simulate and verify DDR signals

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Více o programu PADS Classic (Standard/Standard Plus)