
Create High Quality Documentation while Saving You Time and Money

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CADware s.r.o. » Aktuálně » Výstavy a semináře » Create High Quality Documentation while Saving You Time and Money

18. 4. 2018 online webinář

15:00 - 16:30 SELČ

A best in class new product introduction process requires a predictable, repeatable and error free exchange of documentation between design and manufacturing. High quality PCB documentation leads to expedited assimilation of a design into manufacturing with fewer questions, fewer errors, and lower overall costs. Organizations that demand high quality PCB Documentation be an integral part of their process realize shortened turn-around times, improved product quality, and overall reduced costs.

Presentation made by developer of BluePritn-PCB Downstream Technologies, which besides this program for electronic documentation also creates CAM3530, program for prepares for manufacturing process.

You can register on Downstream Technologies website.

Více o programu BluePrint-PCB