
Improve Product Quality while Saving Time and Costs

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CADware s.r.o. » Aktuálně » Výstavy a semináře » Improve Product Quality while Saving Time and Costs

17. 4. 2018 online webinář

15:00 - 16:00 SELČ

A best in class new product introduction process requires a predictable and error free transition from design to manufacturing. Discovering design errors during the manufacturing cycle leads to production delays and unexpected costs. Organizations with a best in class NPI process analyze for potential errors before committing a design to fabrication when there is more time and greater options to address them.

Presentation made by developer of CAM3530, Downstream Technologies, which besides this program for prepares for manufacturing process also creates BluePritn-PCB, program for electronic documentation.

You can register on DownStream Technologies website.


Více o programu CAM350